Menu Options To access some extended options AutoMenus Pro provides, depress the "Menu Options" button. Below is a brief description of each extended option. Popup Menu Options "Sticky" Popup Menus When this checkbox is checked, popup menus will behave just like menus in the menu bar when AutoMenus Pro is active. You still must click the mouse in a popup menu to activate it (no auto selection for popups). Once you click the mouse button, the popup menu will "popup" and remain displayed until a selection is made, or the mouse is moved outside the menu's area (see Dismiss Automatically below). Dismiss Automatically When checked, popup menus will dismiss as soon as the mouse pointer is moved outside the menu's area. If you leave this checkbox unchecked, a single click of the mouse outside the menu or in a disabled item will dismiss the menu with no selection. Auto Termination Time Auto Termination is a feature which prevents AutoMenus Pro from “stalling” your Mac. When a menu is selected, your Mac basically stops processing everything and concentrates solely on working the menus. You don't want to walk away from your Mac with a menu pulled down thinking it will be searching through your large data base or downloading a file. AutoMenus Pro will terminate menu processing after the specified amount of time has elapsed. The default setting is 1 minute (plenty of time to browse and select menu items). Auto Dismiss Menu Buffer The dismiss menu buffer is the buffer zone around a menu's area which the mouse pointer must exit before AutoMenus Pro will automatically dismiss the menu. The default setting is 5 pixels, but some users might want more to prevent inadvertant menu dismissal when moving the mouse pointer from one item to another.